

We are pleased to announce that we have just completed a new project called “Teacher’s Academy”:

– it is a website with an extensive database of knowledge for language teachers and school owners about the direct method as applied in Direct Language Lab coursebooks.

• “Teacher’s Academy” has been prepared in five languages (English, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian) and the link http://academy.dllab.eu/en will appear in our website,

• it contains 4 teacher training videos that have already been available for some time,

• we have prepared a practical set of more than 70 concise questions and answers explaining various aspects of the direct method,

• most of the questions and answers are accompanied by short instructional videos illustrating a given point,

• in the future we will be developing the Teacher’s Academy by adding new videos, as well as questions and answers, but even now teachers have access to a full database of practical knowledge about the direct method.

In the coming days we will be sending out logins and passwords to cooperating language schools. Each school will receive its own login and password, which should be given to the teachers so that they have access to “Teacher’s Academy”.



Each school cooperating with our publishing house, which means placing regular book orders, should have access to:

• Teacher’s Academy,

• Schools Zone

• online platform Agent’s account.

If for any reason you do not have access to these services, please contact us direct@dllab.eu



We would like to remind you that school owners and directors from schools cooperating with DEEP Publishers can log into the Schools Zone in our website www.dllab.eu (and the direct link is http://www.strefa.directenglish.pl)

The Schools Zone contains a wide selection of additional teaching materials for our coursebooks, including placement tests, exams, logos, guides, overviews and teacher training videos.

You can download the files from the Schools Zone whenever you need them or you can save them on your hard disk.

Please do not disclose your password to anyone (e.g. teachers or students) because the Schools Zone contains such materials as exams and placement tests.



Cooperating language schools also have access to the Agent’s panel https://admin.dlhub.eu, where they can:

• manage discount coupons from books (IMPORTANT: you must manually assign coupons from books to your Agent’s account),

• analyze the activity of your students on the Direct Language Hub platform with online courses for our books.

Students access online courses for free by using discount coupons printed in DLL coursebooks.


The following data can be viewed in the Agent’s panel:

• a list of coupons assigned to the Agent’s account,

• the date of your students’ registration and last login,

• how many times the student has logged into the DLH platform, the number of done exercises and the average result,

• you can also see the information in charts, divided into separate courses (if the student solves exercises from more than one course).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you want to have access to your students’ data, you must first add their discount coupons to your Agent’s account in the system.


Please note that it is possible to add a few test discount coupons to your Agent’s account to enable you to test our online platform, MP3 download and the DLL Ebook mobile application. This will help you pass this information on to your students so that they can make good use of the online and mobile support accompanying our books.

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